Stay in Chryssopigi, Sifnos
  • +3022840 31481
  • EnglishEnglish

Check availability request

Send us a reservation request by filling in the the email the following:

  1. Full name
  2. Telephone number
  3. Accommodation type (Double room, studio, apartment etc)
  4. Arrival/Departure date
  5. People
and we will contact you as soon as possible to inform you on the availability.

Booking & Cancellation Policy
  • To confirm your reservation, you must deposit 30% of the total booking amount within 48 hours and send the payment receipt via email. You will then receive a confirmation email for your booking.
  • If the booking is canceled at least 21 days before arrival, the full deposit will be refunded, excluding any transaction fees if applicable.
  • If the booking is canceled less than 21 days before arrival, the deposit is non-refundable.
Bank Account:

Piraeus Bank:
Beneficiary: Varvara Galifou